
Baby Otter Swim School

Educational DVDs

Expert Bios


Gwyneth Paltrow


Media Coverage

National Spokesperson Andre Dawson

News & Story Angles


Questions to Ask

Ready-to-use Quotes

The Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund


Contact Info

Download Mindy and Marlene's Radio One Pager

Suggested Interview questions:

  1. How much of a danger does accidental drowning really present in the United States?
  2. What are some things parents must to do protect their children at home or near any body of water?
  3. What are some of the programs Baby Otter Swim School offers?
  4. You teach children as young as nine-months to swim – you even have classes for infants and parents. How young should a child learn to swim?
  5. Mindy, you almost lost your daughter to an accidental drowning. What was that experience like?
  6. Marlene, you developed the “Turn-Kick-Reach” method. What is that exactly and how is it so different from what other swim schools are teaching?
  7. What kinds of rules should parents impose around the pool for kids who do know how to swim?
  8. Baseball great, Andre Dawson, learned to swim at Baby Otter Swim School and acts as your spokesperson. Do you see a lot of adults who do not know how to swim? Do they really need to learn at that point?
  9. What makes Baby Otter Swim School so different from other swim programs, like those offered at YMCAs and other community organizations?
  10. You’re located in Fort Lauderdale. Do you plan to open addition locations or must people come to you?
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