
Baby Otter Swim School

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National Spokesperson Andre Dawson

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The Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund


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The Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund

The Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund (BOSEF) is a non-profit organization that brings the life-saving benefits of the internationally-acclaimed Baby Otter Swim School’s Baby Otter Swim Program to those children throughout the U.S. and the world who need them most.

Over the years, Baby Otter Swim School had been approached by both underprivileged and special needs individuals and groups, either directly or through referrals from previous clients, parents, teachers and others familiar with the success of the program. As time and resources were available, Baby Otter Swim School provided free training and classes to as many of these children and adults as possible.

Since then, the demand for this special training has continued to grow, culminating into the formation of the non-profit Baby Otter Scholarship and Educational Fund. The Fund was developed to meet the needs of children from low-income and single parent households who might not otherwise have access to a Baby Otter Swim center or  the funds to attend the program.

Through fundraising efforts, the Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund raises money to develop centers in areas most in need and offer scholarships to underprivileged and special needs children enabling them to attend.

View the Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund Broward County Proclamation

How You Can Help

As a non-profit organization, Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund, Inc. relies on the generous support of companies, organizations and individuals, in the form of donations, sponsorships, grants and private funding. Donatons to this 501(C) (3) non-profit organization are tax-deductible.

Download and print a BOSEF Donation Form.

Andre "The Hawk" Dawson - BOSEF National Spokesperson

The Baby Otter Scholarship and Education Fund is proud to have All-Time baseball great, Andre Dawson, as its national spokesperson. At 14, Dawson suffered a near-drowning experience when he was pushed into water and did not know how to swim. He avoided the water for almost 40 years before enrolling in the Baby Otter Swim Program as an adult. Learn more about our National Spokesperson Andre Dawson.  







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