
Baby Otter Swim School

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Gwyneth Paltrow


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"Once again, thank you to you and your family for giving my children the love of swimming, and the freedom of not fearing the water. Your program has been one of our greatest blessings in the past four years. Without the safety instruction that you have taught both Samantha and Troy, I would be an even more stressed out mother :-).  I wish that there were a way in words to truly express how amazing you all are. But I know that after your own personal experience, sometimes the best gift to you is the smiles on the faces of mother and child as we successfully complete the course.  

You have made us true believers in your system.  If we can help you to save even one life, convince one parent to be proactive, bring a child to love swimming: then our family will consider it a good purpose to have served."


Shannon Ennis


"Our son Zachary, who is now nearly 3 years old, has shown remarkable improvement in his swim skills and comfort level while in the water after attending the Baby Otter Swim School.  He literally has turned into a little water bug, and this was after previously attending two other infant swim programs. 


With this new found interest in swimming and being in our pool has come a heightened awareness for proper safety and behavior around the water.  Your DVD, ‘You OTTER be Safe Around the Pool’ has been an excellent compliment to your in class instruction of safety rules.  Zachary absolutely loves to watch it….the use of the animated BABY OTTER really creates an interest in young children to watch and learn from the video.  The first day we had the video, he watched it at least seven times before going to bed and then again several times the next morning.  He continues to enjoy watching BABY OTTER!"


Jeffrey and Gina Hardgrave of Davie, Fl.


"I just wanted to thank you once again for the phenomenal swim instruction that our daughters received through the Baby Otter Swim School.  As we wrap up another South Florida summer, I wanted to let you know how much they both LOVE the pool and are so incredibly adept at swimming, retrieving toys (from the bottom of the pool), and finding their way out ("Turn-Kick-Reach") whether they jump in or are "accidentally" pushed in unexpectedly.  What is also so important though is that they have a very healthy respect for the water.  In fact, on any given day, you can hear either Meital (6) or Ilanit (3) reminding one of their friends to be careful by reminding them of safety rules such as not jumping in the shallow end, not swimming at the bottom near the drain, etc."


Dr. Sharon Abraham, Parent and Licensed Clinical Psychologist


"My two younger children, Brogan and Harris, were 3 1/2 and 2-years-old when I decided to sign them up for swimming lessons. I had heard about Baby Otter’s "turn, kick, reach" program and decided to check it out for myself. The lessons were about 30 minutes long, for 5 days in a row. After the five days and lots of tears from my younger son, we thanked Miss Marlene and Miss Mindy, for Brogan seemed to have learned from the experience but Harris seemed too busy crying to have learned anything.


The weekend came along and we decided to show my husband what his hard earned money just bought. Brogan jumped in the water, swam using his big "Mickey-Goofy" arms, turned and came back to the wall. Then it was Harris's turn. I had already warned my husband that it was probably a waste to have spent the money on lessons for Harris (only 2-years-old) because he basically cried the whole time. Alas, Harris jumped in the pool, swam all the way to the other side using his "big arms", turned around and came back to the wall, just as his brother did, perhaps even better. I couldn't believe my eyes.


Both Harris and his brother Brogan can swim and know exactly what to do if they ever get in a bind in the water. And we must give all the credit to the Baby Otter Swim School. I strongly urge all parents to give their kids the very special gift of swimming lessons. Summer is here and that means lots of time in the water. We live in Florida, where pools are plentiful. I feel very comfortable knowing that my kids learned how to swim at such an early age and from what I feel is the best program out there. Baby Otter Swim School is the BOSS! Please pass the word. Give your children swimming lessons, and keep them safe."


A proud parent and supporter of Baby Otter Swim School,
L. Ness
Cooper City, FL

"... I can't thank you enough for your swim program. Ava is doing amazing and is having a blast swimming!I am telling everyone I know about you guys! Thank you and God bless! "

Elizabeth Cannarozzi

"...Not only as a parent, but as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with specialized training and experience in the treatment of Anxiety Disorders, I have always been so impressed with the approaches utilized in your instruction."

Licensed Psychologist
(and Meital & Ilanit's "Mommy")
Feiner & Associates

" ...What I cannot put a value on is the peace of mind that you have given us."

The Luebke Family

"You should all be so very proud of what you do, as we are, but the thing that makes you different is that you all do you best with heartfelt for ALL the kids..."

The Slayton Family

"...I was awed by the success they achieve in such a short period of time."

Allen Lee Johns
The Joy of Downs, Inc.

"...their aim is to save one million children from drowning. These are the kind of people who help make a difference in the world"

Barry Spilchuk
Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

"...in addition to the feedback I get from my patients, that the Turn-Kick-Reach program is professional, dependable and fulfills all the expectations of parents."

Lillian Evans, MD
Pediatric Associates

"We'll never forget you!!"

Susie, Kenny, Helen & Anna Budowsky

"I want to thank you for creating such a unique program for teaching our little ones to survive what could be a fatal experience."

Chris Hammack

"...she not only helped Karina conquer the fear of water and learned to hold her breath underwater but also treated her with love and respect"

Luzia A. Rodriguez

"We just want to say thank you for training our 4, 6 and 8 year old children to be more comfortable and confident in the pool..."

Paul and Caroline Clemetson


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